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How to Stop Memory Loss as You Age


Memory loss is a natural part of the aging process. The hard truth is that you won’t remember things as clearly at 70 as you did at 20. You’ll forget why you walked into a room, what was on your shopping list, and when your appointments were. But the extent of memory loss will depend on a number of factors, including your mental and physical health. By implementing a few simple changes in your daily routine, you can prevent some of that memory loss and keep your mind strong and healthy long into your old age.

Stay Active

Staying active is one of the best things that you can do for your brain health. Whether you’re walking, stretching, doing a little yoga, or sweating heavily at the gym, it’s important to do as much as you can. Don’t overdo it, though. Just remember that every little bit helps, even if it means walking to the shops instead of taking the car or taking 5 minutes to stretch in the morning and at night.


Learn a New Language or Skill

If you only speak one language, then it’s time to learn another. It literally rewires your brain and creates changes that will last for a lifetime. It’s incredibly mentally taxing to learn a new language and you’ll find yourself using your brain in ways it was never used before. It will also open up new possibilities for you. It means you can chat with different people, immerse yourself in different cultures, and experience life anew. If languages aren’t your thing, learn a new skill instead. You can learn how to play the guitar or the piano, practice carpentry, or learn to paint. You will still be creating new pathways in your brain and ensuring it remains stimulated.


Read, Learn, Solve

The jury is out on whether brain training games actually work when it comes to improving your memory and cognition. However, most experts believe that regularly stimulating your brain with puzzles will keep it strong long into your old age, potentially reducing the rate of memory loss. Forget about expensive brain training games and just do what you like, whether that means crosswords, word searches, or Sudoku. As long as it’s stimulating your brain and forcing you to think, you’ll reap the rewards.



There is a strong correlation between strong social circles and good memories. Correlation doesn’t equate to causation, of course, which is to say that just because a link exists doesn’t mean one is the cause of the other. However, there are many other benefits of having a strong social circle, and research suggests that you will live longer and remain happier and healthier if you have a lot of friends. Keep your friends close and don’t let your friendships fade as you age (something that most people are guilty of).


Drink Tea

Green tea is one of the healthiest substances on the planet, and we don’t consume anywhere near enough of it in the United States. Green tea comes from the same plant as black tea, but it doesn’t undergo as much processing/fermentation. It is rich in a unique and powerful compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), as well as a caffeine-like substance called L-theanine. Studies have shown that supplementation with green tea extract, or regular consumption of green tea, can help to improve working memory in older individuals. The only problem with green tea is that it’s often consumed in extract form, where it tends to be massively overdosed. Although rare, consumption of green tea extracts has been linked with liver disease and even death, and you may not be getting as many of the health benefits, either. If you want to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks, it’s best to buy green tea leaves/bags and drink it every day. You can get similar benefits from white tea, oolong, and black tea as well, although green tea is often the substance associated with the most cognitive benefits.


Eat A Balanced Diet

Regular consumption of phytonutrients—like those found in fruits and vegetables—is linked with improved mental and physical benefits. By switching to a whole food diet, or even just adding more vegetables and fruits to your diet, you can greatly improve your memory. Be wary of fruit juices and vegetable juices, as you will get all of the sugar and none of the fiber. Try to eat raw or lightly-cooked vegetables where possible. When it comes to diet, it’s important not to set the bar too high. If you’re subsisting entirely on processed food and fast food right now, it’s not realistic to switch to a whole food vegan diet. You’ll probably give up after a few days, at which point you’ll switch right back to your unhealthy ways and stay there forever. Begin by adding some more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet—an apple here, a portion of cabbage/kale there. Cook more, eat less fast food, and don’t be scared of using herbs and spices, as they are nutritional powerhouses.


Supplement (If Needed)

Nutrient deficiencies can hasten memory loss and leave you feeling sluggish and unfocused. Speak with your doctor, run some tests, check your blood levels, and supplement with any vitamins and minerals that you’re lacking. UBN Activate can help, as well. It contains a clinically proven formula that can help with cognition, memory, focus, and mood. You could feel better, sleep better, and notice a marked improvement in your memory.


Summary: Preventing Memory Loss

There’s a lot that we don’t know about memory loss, but research suggests that you can prevent and even reverse age-related memory loss by eating a balanced diet, staying active, challenging yourself, and building a strong social life. Incidentally, studies suggest that these changes could also reduce your risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s, although it definitely doesn’t mean that you can avoid these conditions entirely. By making a few simple changes today, and sticking with them over the long haul, you can do your future self a massive favor and make your life considerably easier several decades from now.


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