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UBN - Brain Health Blog

  • 6 Tips for Increasing Productivity

    Millions more Americans have been introduced to the joys and difficulties of remote working. After the initial excitement that comes from working in your underwear while watching daytime TV, remote workers usually slip into an unproductive and frustrated state. After...

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    Ultimate Brain Nutrients

  • 7 Ways to Boost Your Creativity

    The hardest part of working in a creative profession is maintaining that creativity. It’s okay when you’re drawing, writing, and designing as a hobby—if you don’t feel on top of your game today, you can just wait until tomorrow. But...

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    Ultimate Brain Nutrients

  • Amazing Foods that Boost Brain Power

     As the old saying goes, “You are what you eat”. If you fuel your body with healthy, balanced, nutrient-rich foods, you will be healthier, stronger, and may live a longer life. It’s not just about physical benefits, as switching to...

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    Ultimate Brain Nutrients

  • Caffeine-Free Ways to Stay Alert

      Caffeine is everywhere. It’s the world’s favorite drug and it is used in copious amounts by billions of people every single day. In the developed world, the average person is exposed to caffeine long before they reach their teens,...

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    Ultimate Brain Nutrients

  • How to Stop Memory Loss as You Age

      Memory loss is a natural part of the aging process. The hard truth is that you won’t remember things as clearly at 70 as you did at 20. You’ll forget why you walked into a room, what was on...

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    Ultimate Brain Nutrients

  • Natural Ways to Cure Migraines and Headaches

      Approximately 12% of the US population suffers from regular migraines and countless others experience regular headaches. Although common and rarely serious, chronic headaches and migraines can be debilitating, making the sufferer nauseous, affecting their vision, and seriously impacting their...

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    Ultimate Brain Nutrients

  • The Harmful Effects of Caffeine on Your Brain

    How does caffeine make you feel? If you’re like the average American, you’ll probably answer with positive affirmations about how you need caffeine to get up in the morning, stay alert, and get you through the day. But if you’re...

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    Ultimate Brain Nutrients

  • Why Are So Many Americans Depressed?

    Depression is something that touches everyone at some point. For some, it’s a chronic and crippling condition; for others, it’s short-lived and manageable. But why does it seem like the rates of depression are increasing in the United States? Are...

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    Ultimate Brain Nutrients

  • The Shocking Effects of Sugar on the Brain

    Americans consume over 150 pounds of sugar a year, equivalent to around 6 cups a week, and approximately a third of that is added sugar. It’s processed, unnatural, and potentially unhealthy. We’ve all heard about the effects of sugar on...

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    Ultimate Brain Nutrients