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Natural Ways to Cure Migraines and Headaches


Approximately 12% of the US population suffers from regular migraines and countless others experience regular headaches. Although common and rarely serious, chronic headaches and migraines can be debilitating, making the sufferer nauseous, affecting their vision, and seriously impacting their life.

 In this guide, we’ll look at some of the ways that you can cure headaches and migraines without resorting to prescription medication.


 Fix Your Diet

 Food plays a huge role in triggering migraines and headaches. A few simple dietary changes could be all you need to cure those headaches and live comfortably.

 Some of the most common dietary triggers include nitrates (found in processed meats and deli meats), MSG (a flavor enhancer often found in Chinese fast-food), foods that contain tyramine (blue cheese, feta cheese, and Parmesan cheese), and dried fruits (apricots, prunes).

 There are others, though, and everyone has their own triggers. If your diet is rich in any of the above foods, remove them and see if there are any changes. If not, you can move onto other potential triggers, including cultured dairy products, dried fruit, and pickled foods.

 It's mostly trial and error, but these are the usual suspects and the food groups that you should focus on first.


Drink More Water

 Dehydration can trigger migraines and chronic headaches, and it’s surprisingly common.

 It’s often said that you should drink about 8 cups of water a day, which equates to 64 ounces. However, that’s the average, and depending on your location and your activity level, it might not be enough.

 If you exercise a lot, you will sweat a lot, in which case you’ll need to replenish the lost liquids. The same applies if you live in a very hot climate and spend time outdoors.

 People who eat a lot of processed food will also need more water than those who eat a diet rich in whole foods, as a large part of the water we need comes from the food we eat. It goes without saying that a fast-food burger contains significantly less water than a salad made with raw vegetables and leaves.

 Don’t wait until you’re thirsty because, by that time, it’s often too late. And if you struggle to consume enough water throughout the day, try adding some pieces of fruit, a squirt of fruit juice, or just drinking tea.



 Try Magnesium Supplements/Foods

 Magnesium deficiency has been linked to chronic headaches, along with a host of other conditions. If you’re not getting enough of this essential nutrient, you may feel tired, weak, and struggle with heart and muscle issues, along with regular headaches.

 Magnesium is often lacking in diets that are rich in processed food and low in whole foods. It’s mainly found in vegetables, nuts, and seeds, but it’s also found in salmon, yogurt, milk, chicken breast, and bread.

 For a quick fix, try eating a handful of almonds, cashews, or pumpkin seeds. Alternatively, take a magnesium supplement.


 Take UBN Relief

 UBN Relief was formulated to reduce headaches and migraines. Clinical studies suggest that it can help to calm the mind, improve cognition, and reduce the stress and tension that may lead to chronic headaches.

 Users also report changes in light and sound sensitivity, as well as a reduction in migraine symptoms such as dizziness and nausea. If your migraines are severe and chronic, leading to changes in vision, nausea, and other symptoms that threaten to ruin your day, try UBN Relief.


 Consume Ginger Root and Turmeric Root

 Ginger root and turmeric root possess a wealth of anti-inflammatory compounds and have been at the heart of countless studies on chronic disease and pain. There have also been studies suggesting that they could help to relieve the symptoms of migraines and headaches.

 In one such study, conducted in 2013, researchers gave 100 participants either ginger powder or a drug commonly used to treat migraines. They found that ginger was often just as effective as the commonly prescribed drug, and that it produced far fewer side effects.

 You don’t need ginger or turmeric supplements, either. Simply buy fresh root or powder and add them to your meals. Both of these roots are major constituents of many Indian and Asian dishes. You can also juice them and add them to smoothies or lattes.


Chill Out With Some Lavender

 Lavender is a weird and wonderful compound. Studies have shown that it’s incredibly effective at reducing stress and anxiety. It provides a naturally calming effect, and it does so without any side effects.

 But unlike most other substances, it doesn’t need to be consumed. In fact, the most positive research surrounding lavender concerns its use as an inhalant. Simply adding some lavender oil to a diffuser or inhaling an infusion made with lavender and hot water could be enough to soothe and relax.

 According to a study conducted in 2012, these relaxing effects reduce the prevalence and severity of migraines, noting that it was a “safe treatment modality in acute management of migraine headaches”.

 In layman’s terms, “It works”.


 Apply a Menthol Solution (Peppermint Oil) 

 A study conducted in 2010 found that a menthol solution (a constituent of peppermint and other types of mint) could significantly reduce the effects of migraines when applied topically.

 It’s not the most conclusive study and it only involved 35 patients, but peppermint oil is very inexpensive and if all else fails, it’s worth trying it out. If it doesn’t work out, you can use that leftover oil to make homemade mouthwashes and toothpaste. It can also be turned into homemade cosmetics and hygiene products.


 Summary: Natural Solutions for Migraines and Headaches

 Although migraines can be life-changing, there are a number of natural solutions for curing them and easing the symptoms. All the methods above are backed by clinical studies and have gone a long way to reducing migraine severity and regularity in long-term sufferers.

 Try them for yourself to see if they work for you. Unlike prescription medications and other drastic solutions, these methods are completely side effect-free, so you have nothing to lose!





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